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Stratocumulus Legal

We are an Australian legal practice working with businesses to identify, protect, and harness their intellectual property, and to help them avoid the risk of infringing intellectual property belonging to others. We're based in Perth, Western Australia.

Startups, AI & IP – presentation recording

Who owns the IP in content autonomously created by generative AI? Can a robot infringe third party IP? What are the implications for these issues for startups which are increasingly using AI tools and autonomously generated content in their operations? These were the issues that I discussed in my presentation to Morning Startup on 10 May 2023.

Copyright & Generative Artificial Intelligence

My article “Copyright and Generative Artificial Intelligence” has been published in the April 2023 edition of “Brief”, the journal of the Law Society of Western Australia. Is there any copyright in a robot’s creation? And can machine learning infringe copyright? Click through for a link to the article.

ECU Law Assembly 2022

I was one of the panellists at the ECU Law Assembly in November 2022, on the topic of “Legal, Policy and Ethical Implications of Robotics and Automation”, along with along with The Hon. Alannah MacTiernan MLC, The Hon. Bill Johnston MLA, and Dr Martin Allcock.

ChatGPT on copyright

The ChatGPT artificial intelligence system is gaining significant attention for its seeming ability to write human-like prose about quite complex topics. When I asked it about the future of copyright with the advent of AI, it concluded that “it may be necessary to develop new legal frameworks or to adapt existing copyright laws to take into account the role of AI in the creation of copyrighted works”. Quite right!

Intellectual Property is Valuable

Nearly all businesses both own their own intellectual property, and use intellectual property belonging to third parties. Are you in control of yours? Are you at risk of liability for misusing someone else's?