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Having someone on the team who understands not only the language issues and cross-cultural issues, but can apply those to the legal issues in the matter, adds real value and depth.

Stratocumulus Legal’s principal, David Wilson, has had the experience of a rare, first-hand two-year placement working on a diverse range of commercial matters in the legal group of a major Japanese company in Tokyo, on top of many years of coming and going between Australia and Japan for study, travel and family. He’s an enthusiastic Japanophile and advanced-level Japanese speaker.

We can assist your team to break out of a mono-cultural and mono-lingual approach, with work including:

  • Review of Japanese language documents*
  • Inter-cultural understanding and nuance with Japanese clients, witnesses, experts and even counterparts/opponents
  • Liaising with translators and interpreters

* Please note we are not qualified translators or interpreters, but we have sufficient level of Japanese to work with general business-level documents and provide working-level translations. ☁︎