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Upcoming presentation: Robot as Inventor; Robot as Infringer

I am presenting to the Perth Machine Learning Group on 2 September 2021 on the topic: “Robot as Inventor, Robot as Infringer”, looking at the recent Australian Federal Court world first decision that an AI system can be an inventor for the purposes of the Patents Act, and also look at infringement issues when teaching your machine learning robot.

Exhaustion of rights reinvigorates permissible use of patented products

Patent owners can no longer use their patent to control the use of a patented product after sale, with the adoption of the “exhaustion of rights” doctrine in Australia. This will have significant impact on planned obsolescence of goods and toward permitting the repair, improvement and reconditioning of products and better facilitating the “right to repair”.

Changes to use of orphan copyright works

Creators and copyright owners alike need to be aware of proposed changes to the Copyright Act that will see “orphan works” opened up for broader use, with a liability limitation scheme where copyright owners cannot be identified or located.

ACCC sues Google re click-wrap privacy policy

The ACCC clearly intends to be front and centre in relation to the protection of data. It has this week commenced a Federal Court proceeding alleging that Google engaged in misleading or deceptive conduct by asking consumers to click an “I agree” button without consumers being explicitly informed about certain data collection changes to which they were purportedly agreeing.